Ah well, such is life. On the bright side, between crazy work hours I did manage to fit in some last-minute Christmas shopping yesterday at Coquitlam Centre. I rarely make it out to Coquitlam Centre, which has become my new favourite mall because most of my favourite stores are packed together into one very convenient shopping location. The big draw at the mall is, of course, H&M, which is where I found this wonderful dress...I have yet to find a party to wear it to, but I'm sure I can talk my friends into going to an upscale eatery for Dine Out Vancouver sometime in February so that I have an occasion to don it.

Like many others I've talked to about the perils of Christmas shopping, I somehow ended up shopping for myself. I found my brother the hoodie and jeans he asked for, and decided that as long as I was there I should browse. Big mistake. I ended up with a cardigan, a pair of tights, and some knee-high socks.
I also fell madly in love with a 1950s style deep orange jacket at Jacob. It was $165, which is more than I've paid for any sort of jacket or coat, but the salesgirl said if it went on sale during Boxing Week, I could get a price adjustment and have the difference refunded to me. Anyway, I love it too much to bring it back, so I guess any Christmas money I get goes to the Pay Off Lisa's Visa Bill fund.

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