Haircut Dilemma

It's been about 3.5 months since I got my hair cut and tried a perm for the first time ever. I enjoyed the results and I loved the fact that I didn't have to spend ages blowdrying my hair. Just a dollop of leave-in conditioner and some hand-scrunching, and me and my wavy hair were good to go in the mornings. However, as autumn settles upon Vancouver, I am getting sick of my long wavy hair for these reasons:
  1. My hair is growing out and starting to become very thick and heavy once again, which weighs down the curliness. The waves aren't as pronounced as they used to be.
  2. Wavy hair looks best when air-dried, but I really don't feel like walking around with wet hair during the cold early morning hours of the fall season.
  3. Is it weird that I keep picturing how my hair will look with a hat on? Because I don't like having long straggly locks poking out from under a cute knit toque, whereas a shorter style with bangs would look more put-together and not like I just threw on a hat to disguise a bad hair day.
Once again, I found myself checking out the hairstyle pictures on Rasysa for inspiration. I found 3 front-runners which could serve as my potential fall hairdo. And yes, all three hairstyles would look excellent under a hat.

1. Loose bob with sideswept bangs. This is my favourite of the three so far. It's cute--polished but not too uptight, and relatively low-maintenance. Plus the model's hair texture looks a bit like mine. The only thing I'm afraid of is that this hairdo will look a bit soccer mom-ish on me.

2. . Medium-length cut with some front layers and blunt bangs. This style is basically a bit like a shorter, straighter version of the haircut I'm sporting now. It's fail-safe because I know it'll suit my face shape. However, do I want to play it safe or try something new?

3. Asymmetrical bob. I love the sleek in-your-face cool of this style, but a part of me is groaning over how high-maintenance a hairstyle like this one would be if I want it to look good. This hairdo would require a lot of fuss with a straightening iron and hair products in the morning--and I am definitely not a morning person, nor am I fussy with my hair. Plus, I don't know if a really bold cut like this will suit my face.

What do you think? Which haircut do you prefer?


  1. #2 is my favorite. I like scraggly lockes peeking out from under a hat personally, but I definitely hats are easier when one has bangs.

  2. I like 2 or 3. #1 does have a touch of soccer mom about it.

  3. Hmm yeah...#1 could be just right or go horribly wrong and become soccer mom. #2 seems to be winning by a landslide based on my informal poll of some guy friends.

  4. May I...
    #1 but I agree w Lisa too...

    Get the best hairstylist that u can afford... hair grows back & hope for the best... change is always good. there, i said it

    u have a great weekend!

  5. The third one is the most interesting one! Go for it, girl!

  6. I vote for #2 . . . although I actually DO like the look of long wavy locks peeking out from beneath a cute cloche!


  7. ooh. all japanese cuts! :) i like the 2nd one too.

  8. I was going to say 1 or 2, but yeah, # 1 does look a bit "soccer mom" to play it safe, 2?

    3 would be a change, but it seems too high maintenance and for some reason, I can't imagine the cut on you...:P

  9. the bob! the bob! it is so IN right now! i bet you could totally pull it off! 3 of my friends and it looks UH MAZING on them!

  10. I'd have to agree with clothes horse. The 2nd cut is more your style and low maintenance. I also don't mind the "scraggly" locks and hat look haha. The 3rd is a bit too edgy for such a Charlotte-esque person ;)

  11. I loved the last one! It's sort of spunky and really cute :) I say go for it. Shorter is better especially in Vancouver because of the I always end up with wild hair once fall hits!

  12. i lovee the second! it would look so cute under a beanie, and would be gorg straight or wavy! =)

    and i love your blog! i just linked you =)

  13. I love the 1st one but I think I'm in the minority! It strikes me as classic. I like the 3rd as well, tho.


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